

Get the edge the other guy doesn’t

Cloud-based video analytics software designed to help coaches like you be better prepared, better informed and ultimately get your players ready to be at their peak level of performance.

  • Upload game video and edit online from any device
  • Index and categorize key events by player, situation, etc
  • Share key clips with your players prior to practice time
  • Make better use of everyone’s time by doing more one-on-one coaching
  • Personalize feedback to players or units of players for precision coaching

Analyze Anywhere

Record live video and edit and index the video while you travel and prepare for your next battle. You and other coaches can work together in the cloud to easily create presentations for your players.

Better Informed. Better Prepared.

Share crystal clear and unambiguous video clips with players before practice or games so they arrive prepared and pumped up.

Coach With Precision

Stay Connected with players, keep track of what they watched, get feedback and interact with them one on one.